Published On: Sun, Feb 7th, 2016

The Best Bargain Ever

Life is a long bargain. When you experientially get an experience of Oneness, you are intelligent enough to understand that anything is worth the bargain to be established in Oneness.

Life is a series of bargains
At the age of 7, whatever you have, if you are going to get something better than that, you are ready for exchange. At the age of 14, whatever you have, you might have gathered with tremendous efforts, love, but if there is going to be more benefit, you will simply exchange it. Same way at the age of 25, what you collected with a lot of sentimental attachments, whatever was so important for your life at one time, even those things, if you find what is going to come is more beneficial, you will simply exchange it.

The Father Daughter Conversation
Watch any Indian movie, this scene of the father asking the daughter whether I am important or your lover is important shows up. The father says, “I gave birth to you, spent time, energy, money, attention, my everything to you, the lover who came just a few days before, has he became so important for you in your life?”.

If you are intelligent enough you will never ask this question, because life is a long bargain. You just know, whatever you acquired in your life, how much ever price you paid, difficulty you went through to acquire, everything has value because you can exchange when you want.

You work and make money. Why does money have value? Because you can bargain it for something in the future. Same way experience, relationship, everything, when you see a better opportunity, you exchange. In that, some sentiments are torn, some hearts are torn, that’s the way life flows. You can never, never, never stop this pattern of life as a long bargain.

Father asks the daughter upon her announcing her engagement, “what does he do? Does he have money?”. She replied, “You men are all alike; that’s the first thing he asked me about you, also.”

The Best Bargain
You need to know life is a long bargain, that’s a truth; not reality, but truth. Every experience you accumulated in your life is worthy to be given up for the experience of Oneness. The experience of Oneness is such a powerful future that every experience you earned in your early life can be exchanged. You will decide to exchange only if this Oneness becomes your experience, not otherwise, because human mind moves only based on experiential bargains. You getting a glimpse of this experience of Oneness will inspire you to give up your whole past experiences as myth and reality. You will just exchange, because you are brilliant enough to go for amazing exchange offers. You are intelligent enough to go for any exchange, the moment you know something better is coming.

Oneness is a spiritual power!
Ultimately, all spiritual teachings are just needed as a power when you leave the body. Why does one need spiritual truths, spiritual powers? When you leave the body, you should not be alone and not be in powerless state; all the spiritual truths are for that only.

Oneness is a spiritual power!

Based on satsangs delivered by rare Living Incarnation Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda

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