Published On: Sat, Feb 13th, 2016

Practice Love to Perfect Love

Practicing doing simple acts of love, even if they are calculated and planned, gives you the glimpse of Oneness, the space of enlightenment.  When you start practicing calculated love more and more, self-doubt, self-hatred and self-denial melts down.  The confidence you then develop on you grows and the energy you radiate becomes unconditional love.

Do not deny calculated, conditional love

When love is calculated and conditional, if you deny it, you destroy the possibility for the next level.  It is like the leaf of a small plant can’t be eaten, but when you wait and allow the tree to grow, the flower and the fruit of the tree will be useful.  Similarly, the conditional, calculated and planned love will start in your life, because that is the best way to start relating with life.  When it starts, don’t deny, destroy and abuse it.

If you think, “If I smile, (s)he also may smile, then I will develop a contact.  Tomorrow (s)he may become partner in my business, (s)he may become partner in my life, or (s)he may support me in my venture”, whatever you may be planning, that is fine. Flash that smile.

Develop confidence on love

Don’t stop the act of love, the function of love.  Because, even if it is calculated, when you start functioning in the space of love, your confidence on love starts getting built.  That confidence will get you to radiate unconditional love.  With more and more deeds, doings of love, this confidence on love and functioning out of the space of love starts developing.

The space of Oneness

One of the predominant things you need to develop in your life is confidence to function out of the space of love.  Only from that confidence, one can take a jump to function out of the ‘Space of Oneness’ (Advaitha).  In the ‘Space of Oneness’, there is no cunningness, there is no condition, and there is no planning.  But, unfortunately, you don’t have the courage to jump into that space.  It is because you don’t have courage, you go on playing some hypocritical games in your life.

Love Advaitha to Live Advaitha

Start loving Advaitha to live Advaitha.  Most of you are stuck due to your inability to love and having wrong ideas about love.  You think it should always be pure, unconditional, grand, life-sacrificing act.  Till then you shut down.  No.  A plant cannot have the greed to bear a fruit on day one.  No.  It needs to grow.  It needs to flower.  Then the flower needs to become fruit.

In the beginning it may be a calculated or small act.  That is ok.  Start with your courage to perform small acts of love, you will develop so much of confidence on acting out of the inner space of love.  It is love that gives you that experience of Advaita immediately as a jump start.

Unconditional love is spontaneous

When you keep practicing love, automatically you will see, some of the greatest sacrifices, unconditional acts, you will do it, before even you thought you are planning or doing it.  All great acts of unconditional love and sacrifice is done only in the space where you don’t even think.  But for that space to grow in you, in the initial level you need to encourage even the small and conditional acts of love.


Based on satsangs delivered by rare Living Incarnation Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda

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