Vikramaditya: The Lengedary King of Bharath Crowned on September 17th
September 17: Today is the day King Vikramaditya of Ujjain, perhaps the greatest ruler that Bharath has seen was coronated. Vikramaditya started the Vikrama Samvat era in 719 BCE, after defeating the Shakas. Vikramaditya’s empire stretched from the Indus river in the west, Badaristhana (Badrinath) in the north, Kapila in the east and Setubandha (Rameshwaram) in the south.
According to the Bhavishya Purana:
Amid degradation of the world due to non-Vedic faiths, Shiva sent Vikramaditya to the earth. He established a throne decorated with 32 designs for him (a reference to Simhasana Dvatrimsika). Shiva’s wife Parvati created a vetala to protect him and to instruct him with riddles (a reference to Baital Pachisi legends). After hearing Vetala’s stories, Vikramaditya performed the ashwamedha (horse sacrifice). The wandering of the sacrificial horse defined the boundary of Vikramaditya’s empire: Indus river in the west, Badaristhana (Badrinath) in the north, Kapila in the east and Setubandha (Rameshwaram) in the south. The emperor united all the four Agnivanshi clans by marrying princesses from the three non-Paramara clans: Vira from Chauhan clan, Nija from Chalukya clan, and Bhogavati from the Parihara clan. All gods, except Chandra, celebrated his success (a reference to the Chandravanshis, rivals of Suryavanshi clans such as the Paramaras).[28]
Since his time many kings have taken on the name of Vikramaditya. Rayvi Kumar below talks about the unraveling of the mystery of Vikramaditya and the discovery of his date of coronation.
Incidentally September 17th is the Birthday of Sri Narendra Modi, perhaps the first Hindu Ruler since Vikramaditya to rule all of India from Badrinath to Rameshwaram and from the the Indus to Kapila.
Maharajah VIKRAMADITYA ~ THE FIRST ~was crowned king on 17th September 719 BCE in Ujjaini after defeats of Shaka’s!!
The Legend of ancient Hindustani king eulogized in the legendary stories of Vetala Panchvishamti is a matter which has been vexing the minds of Indians since time immemorial. Most of the historians who decided his timeline were those who had either rudimentary knowledge of Sanskrit or relied on translations of half baked translations done by ordinary scholars whose main aim was to please the white masters to earn a better living, in spite of overwhelming evidences in literary and astronomical references pointing to the contrary.
The Famous Emperor king is famous for his legendary exploits which is written nearly 2,500 years ago by Mahakavi Somdev Bhatt in his legendary stories of Vetala Panchvishamti. Unfortunately the burning of Libraries of Takshashila then Nalanda, Udayagiri, Ratnagiri, Vikramashila, and other centre’s of learning and destructions of Sankrit Vidyalayas by Mlechhas; resulted in wounded Hindu society, bereft of the knowledge of their own ancient eras and achievements. This was compounded by British historians who had conversion in mind and then when they left, the leftist anti Indian historians whose agenda was to deride ancient Hindu custom and observances so as to enable the advent of Islam.
The confusion was compounded by western historians who tried to interpret the Hindu texts without knowledge of Sanskrit language in which all the documents pertaining to the historicity and its reference was written, and they were helped by scholars who were more interested in furthering the white man’s agenda than discovering truth. The British Historians in British times and Hindu historians never took interest in knowing the cultural land of Bharata unless it supported their theory of invasion and capture of nations leading to extraction of the wealth and resources. When the white man left the Indians who were in fact black Britishers [ Indians with British agenda] took over with institutions with eye on furthering their half baked knowledge with an eye of seats of “Indology” in western universities and promise of better life bereft of love for their motherland and its heritage. Most of this assorted bunch of historians lived on denial of Indian histories and not have even rudimentary knowledge of Sanskrit, leave alone scholarship level knowledge combined with knowledge of astronomical references which could put the right perspective in place, which resulted in wrong conclusions even in face of overwhelming evidences of antiquity of Bharata.
Fortunately for Bharata this was also a matter of concern to a group of concerned dedicated selfless scholars like Pandit Sri Kota Venkatachilam in early 20th century, and now Shri Vedveer Arya who in his recent mind-blowing research has published book “CHRONOLOGY OF ANCIENT INDIA~ Victim of concoctions and Distortions” now available free of cost on the internet . The conclusions there in shall make an ordinary Indian proud of his heritage and bring a revolution in the interpretation on history of Bharata. It is proposed to start a series of ancient Indian chronology of India and in the first of the series we shall discuss the Legend of King Vikramaditya whom we shall call “THE FIRST” for the simple reason he was from Ujjain and the most documented king whose anniversary of coronation as king of Bharata varsha is due on 17th September being 2736th Year establishment of Kartikadi Vikrama era or Malva Gana era in 718BCE!!
“KING VIKRAMADITYA~ THE FIRST” OF UJJAIN whose chronology was a mystery vexing the Indian historians, has been solved and on 17th September we would be celebrating 2735th year of his Crowning as the victorious king of Ujjain after defeating the Shakas in 719BCE. The famous king was the one who established Karttikadi era in 719-718 BCE which was referred to as “Krta”, “Malava-gana”, “Vikrama” or “Samvat” in the inscriptions and this era became popular in North India.
It is evident from early Jaina sources that Vikramaditya founded an era in Mahavira-nirvana Samvat 470 (719-718 BCE) when he became the king of Ujjain by defeating the 96 Shaka’s . The literary proof of his legendary rule come from many sources like the following:
~Kaidasa mentions in his Jyotirvidabharana that “Kshayamasa” occurred in 103th year from the epoch of King Vikramaditya era. Kalidasa wrote Jyotirvidabharana in Kaliyuga 3068 (34 BCE). If Vikrama era commenced only in 57 BC, how 103 years elapsed before 34 BCE. Evidently, an ancient epoch of Vikrama era was in vogue during the time of Kalidasa. Considering the epoch of Vikrama era in 719 BCE, the last Kshayamasa occurred in 616 BCE (103 years after 719 BCE). Actually, Kshayamasa used to occur on a cycle of 141 years. This method has been discontinued after 616 BCE (after 103 years from 719 BCE). Thereafter, Kshayamasa was calculated based on astronomical calculations. The year was earmarked as Kshayamasa If Solar month was smaller than lunar month or two samkrantis occurred in one lunar month. There used to be two intercalary months in a Kshayamasa year. A cycle of 141 years was followed for Kshaya Masa in ancient times. Kalidasa says that such last Kshaya masa occurred in the cycle of 141 years around 103 years from the epoch of Vikrama era. This Kshayamasa of 103rd year was not based on astronomical calculations. Thereafter, Indian astronomers abandoned the cycle of 141 years and followed based on astronomical calculations. Bhaskarcharya confirms this change. During his times, Kshayamasa used occur sometimes in 141 years and sometimes in 122 years. Therefore, the Kshayamasa of 103rd year was not based on Kshayamasa calculations. Moreover, there is no tradition of Kaliyuga starting in 3008 BCE.
~Prabhavakacarita of Prabhavakasuri mentions that Kalakacarya brought 96 Shaka’s to Ujjain to uproot Gardabhilla , who after 4 years of their cruel administrations were uprooted by King Vikramaditya ~ The First.
~Gathasaptasati, a Prakrit anthology compiled by the Shatavahana King Hala of the 5th century BCE, tells us that King Vikramaditya ~ The First was an illustrious king well known for his generosity and victories
Samvahana-suha-rasa-tosiena demtena tuha kara lakkham |
Chalanena Vikkamaiccha-chariam anusikkhiam tissa ||
~The Bruhatkatha of Gunadhya (5th century BCE) also has a record of King Vikramaditya ~ The First.
~The Rajamahendravaram inscription of King Vishnuvardhana dated in Kaliyuga era 2628 (475-474 BCE) refers to King Vikramaditya ~ The First, while comparing Vishnuvardhana with Vikramaditya
Vikramaditya iva rajanya-vikramasiddhih|
~Subandhu (400-250 BCE), the author of Vasavadatta, also pays tribute to the King Vikramaditya ~ The First.
All the above cited literary sources refer to the great King Vikramaditya ~ The First who defeated Shaka’s and founded an era in 719-718 BCE belong to the period prior to the 1st centrury BCE. The people of Malava who suffered considerably under the tyrannical four-year rule (723-719 BCE) of the Shaka’s were liberated when Vikramaditya led the Malava army and drove away the Shaka’s , thus elevating Vikramaditya to the status of a legend not only in Malava but over entire India as well. His famous exploits which gave him demigod status was his stories of Vetala Panchaishamti
The people of Malava considered the rule of Vikramaditya as a golden era and they named the era founded by him as “Krta” era. Since this era has commenced from the date of the establishment of Malava-gana or Malava republic, it was also referred to as the Malava-gana era. Interestingly, this era commenced on the 1st tithi of the bright fortnight “SHUKLA PRATIPADA” of Karttika month in 719-718 BCE i.e. 17th September 719 BCE. Undoubtedly, this Krta or Malava-gana era is Karttikadi and its months are AMANTA.
There were many Indian kings who had the title of Vikramaditya. This title was originated in central India and we shall briefly discuss them here.
- The oldest known is of Subandhu, a Sanskrit poet of Chandragupta Maurya period (16th century BC), mentions a King Vikramaditya .
- It also appears that Vitihotra kings or Ayodhya kings were the first who had the title of Vikramaditya.
- Paramartha, a Buddhist scholar, mentions that King Vikramaditya was ruling at Ayodhya 900 years after Buddha Nirvana. Considering the Buddha nirvana around 1865 BC as per literary and Tibetan records , Ayodhya king Vikramaditya lived around 965-865 BCE. For purposes of clarity we shall call this “King Vikramaditya ~ The First” the son of Mahendraditya Gardabhilla, who drove away Sakas from Ujjain and founded Malava-Gana – Krita- Vikrama era in 719 BCE.
- Sri Harsha of Pushyabhuti dynasty conquered Malava and had the title of Vikramaditya. Sri Harsha reigned around 457-420 BCE.
- Gupta King Chandragupta II also had a title of Vikramaditya.
- Gandharvasena’s son Vikramaditya reigned in 1st century BC at Ujjain and he was the patron of Navaratnas (Varahamihira, Kalidasa, Vetalabhatta etc.). He is known for the Chaitradi Vikram Samvat even now followed in each and every Panchanga in every town and 5lac+ villages of India.
- Many kings of Early Chalukyas and Kalyani Chalukyas also had the title of Vikramaditya.
- Finally, Hemu or Hemachandra occupied Delhi for sometime had the title of Vikramaditya before he was beheaded when unconscious state by Akbar.
It appears from records that King Vikramaditya ~ The First’s empire was limited to Malava and North western India while Vikramaditya II established a greater kingdom in Central and Northern India. It can be concluded that two Vikramaditya’s flourished as kings of Ujjain, one in the 8th century BCE and the other in the 1st century BCE. [Picture 5]
A sincere effort has been made to put the chronology of ancient Bharatam and its rightful place in world history and with irrefutable proof reference in various documents, astronomical events corroborated by NASA website on astronomy, cross reference in inscriptions and literary references have brought this to conclusion one Glorious King of Bharatam King VIKRAMADITYA ~ The First of Ujjain.
Meanwhile another legendary King Vikramaditya –II of Ujjaini of Chaitradi Vikram Samvat , younger brother of Raja Bharatruhari and his timeline dynasties shall be discussed with perspective to Bharata’s history in coming times with proof!!!
” Rayvi Kumar is an independent researcher and scholar in social anthropology and historical aspects of ancient India and runs facebook group Indian history~ real truth”
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