Published On: Sun, Feb 7th, 2016

Frustration Decoded : Be free, enjoy life, and create new realities

Is being frustrated good news or bad news? Knowing the “formula of frustration”, you can be free from frustration and live a blissful, powerful life. This article presents this formula and articulates its benefits.

The feeling “life is not supporting me to make what I want happen,” is a universal one. For example, you always wanted health but life is not letting that happen to you; you always wanted wealth and just one day before you achieve it, everything collapses. Such outcomes lead to frustration which makes one say ‘NO’ to life.

Hope in You is a Sign that Life is Supporting You

The very hope being generated in you, that health and wealth is possible, is proof that life is supporting you. Otherwise even that possibility will not be informed to you.
Be VERY CLEAR that when hope arises, life is supporting you.

Why Do I have What I Have Now?

The current happenings in your life are because of your earlier aspirations. They have come to you in the sequence as you aspired. When you understand this Law of Life, you will never curse the happenings of life, because what is taking place now is what you craved for earlier.

Bring the cognition: “Wow, I craved for this one day, therefore I am enjoying.”

My Aspirations Keep Changing: What do I Do?

Because your aspirations have changed or keep changing, don’t be frustrated about life. Yes, your aspirations have changed. That does not mean what you aspired can be dropped, it has to be lived in the present so that you grow further.

Your aspirations getting matured is life saying YES to you, life wants to express and enrich more through you. Even if it tastes like nectar or it feels like heaven, if your aspirations are not getting matured, you will be tired and bored.
The greatest happening of life is – aspirations getting matured.

The Formula of Frustration

The following formula has to be read, re-read, intra-analysed, internalised and lived.

Frustration = Fulfilment of Earlier Aspirations + New Aspirations (Mature ones)

Any situation you are in when you are frustrated, look in and find out what must be the best thing in this situation for which I’ve aspired this situation in the past, let me look at this from that context. You will see, you are enjoying exactly what you wanted.

For example: Frustrated CEO = Fulfilment of wanting to be CEO + New aspiration of being a CEO of a Fortune 500 Company or New aspiration of being a politician

Being frustrated is Great News

When you look at life with this cognition, you will see that if you are frustrated you are on the right track, because only when Life is supporting you, your earlier aspirations get fulfilled and new aspirations show up.

The Key to Making New Aspirations into Reality

The moment you start celebrating the present happening, you are now qualified to make your updated aspirations into reality. If you celebrate the position of being a CEO, you can quickly jump into becoming a politician and so on.
Internalize the formula shared in this article and live a life free of frustration; enjoying the current circumstances and powerfully creating new realities in your life.

Based on satsangs delivered by rare living incarnation Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda
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