Published On: Mon, Feb 8th, 2016

Are you frustrated?

When things don’t go our way, getting frustrated is the immediate response that comes up.  Do we cognize the impact of such a response on our lives?  Are there better ways to deal with life?  This article explores these aspects.

Resistance to Life begins with Frustration

Whenever you entertain “NO” to life, at first, always, the “NO” is entertained as frustration. Then it evolves as anger, violence, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial and similar such expressions. But, it starts as frustration.

The trap of adding psychological suffering

Say, your body has a headache or stomach pain. Don’t shrink. When that headache comes, stomach-ache comes, don’t add psychological suffering to it – ‘Oh, if this same continues, what will happen? I am very young. Now itself I am getting headache, and stomach pain! Now, the stomach pain, if it just goes up two inch, it will become chest pain. If the headache comes few inch down, then it will become chest pain. What will happen to me? How long will I live?’ Don’t add psychological sufferings when your body gives some pain. Don’t increase the strength of actual pain.

External and Internal Hell

This way of relating with life puts you in a space that Upanishads call Andhena thamasaa (अन्धेन तमसा)” meaning, “blinding darkness”, the darkness which just makes you blind, shrouded. This is the darkness created by the negative qualities which then blinds you. This creates hell like situations externally and internally for you.

The Antidote

So how should we respond to such situations? Saying YES to life is the way. Deciding FOR LIFE is the way. One of the important qualities to say “YES” to life is tremendous patience. Tremendous patience! Saying YES! YES! YES! every time YES! to life comes from having tremendous patience with life.

This does not mean that we accept whatever happens. No. We need to do whatever that needs to be done to move towards a situation that we want to create. The end state needs to be a place where we are looking forward to engage more with life.

The people with whom you are living – first you, and everyone else around you – their ignorance or inability should not give you frustration, should not make you say “NO” to you. The moment you accept “NO, the moment you say “NO” to expansion, you have started saying “NO” to you. Inability and ignorance of you and the people living around you cannot reduce your creativity or plans to express your peak possibility.

If you have headache, look into it and see: What it is? Why? How much your contribution is there in that headache? And, what is the message body wants to give you through that headache? Have patience to deal with yourself. Have patience to deal with others.

Never ever plan based on anger and violence. The maximum violence and anger allowed in your life is spontaneously defending you if you are attacked. No question of planned violence and anger.
Only tremendous PATIENCE!


Based on satsangs delivered by rare Living Incarnation Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda