Government School Teacher Distributes Bigoted Anti Hindu Book Mocking Hinduism; Hindu Students Protest

Protests have broken out amidst a secondary school teacher’s inflammatory actions against her Hindu students. The teacher is identified as Nirmala Kamad, who is a teacher in the government secondary school of Rooppura in the Bhilwara district of Rajasthan, India where she is accused of distributing anti-Hindu literature to her students.

Countless Hindu students have reported incidents of outright anti-Hindu hate speech from the teacher on numerous occasions. She has denigrated Hindu deities and Hindu practices and attempted to sway her students away from their Indigenous Hindu tradition using regressive colonial narratives about Hinduism.
This Hindu Student bravely speaks out against the anti-Hindu teacher who is known for abusing Hindu deities and sacred Hindu practices.
The teacher has actively distributed horrific books targeting the Hindu tradition based on false facts and hateful narratives. The book is titled “Hinduism: Dharm ya Kalank?” which translates to “Hinduism: Religion or Abomination?” In fact, the front cover of the book has a quote by Jawaharlal Nehru which translates to: “Hindus are definitely non-generous and intolerant. No one in the world is as narrow-minded as a Hindu person.” To put it in perspective, such a blatantly anti-Hindu book is being distributed to Hindu students by a teacher in a government school.

Bigoted, false, anti-Hindu quotes from the book: “There is no difference between Lord Vishnu and a Dog”, describes Lord Shiva as lusty and a womanizer, falsely portrays the powerful Hindu Rishi Vishwamitra as a lusty yogi, calls the creator of universes Lord Brahma as a “rap*st”.
These narratives about Hinduism are not only bigoted, they are outright false. Educational institutions and their consequent literature has been weaponized to spread misinformation and hate toward Hindus for centuries.
With no other option left, Hindu students and parents have decided to take to the streets to enable justice and accountability for such vile actions in educational settings. Large protests have broken out in Rooppura, Rajasthan in hopes of administrative action against the bigoted teacher.
Anti-Hindu hatred and misinformation about Hinduism is at an all-time high. Hindus must educate ourselves and share about this widely to spread awareness. Anti-Hindu bigotry should not go unchecked and it is the responsibility of all Hindus to enable justice and bring positive transformation.