Published On: Thu, Jan 28th, 2016

Girl demonstrates Cool SuperPower (Third Eye)

patanjaliThe Yogasutra of Patanjali has for long declared the existence of the potential for superhuman powers. These have been pooh-poohed by short sighted westernized Indians. But many in the west and India are now discovering, with scientific proof, that these powers are real and can be obtained by proper Yogic practice. Predictably, the atheists claim that these are tricks and the Christians claim that Yoga is the work of the devil. Hindus meanwhile are caught struggling to find reliable proof for their deep felt belief in the authenticity of our scriptures and Puranas. Maybe this video can be the beginning of the path for Indians to re-understand their great religion and the way it allows human beings to live powerfully while at the same time being established in the truth of oneness and peace.








