Published On: Sat, Feb 28th, 2015

The War on Yoga: And So It Begins..

I have noticed, recently a concerted surge in the attacks against Yoga. Many old false stories against yoga are a being dug up and new ones are being created. Slowly different people from around the Christian kingdom are raising their voices against this symbol of Hindu soft power. The empire is shit scared that a people sitting in peace and stretching their bodies to find themselves can expose all the hypocrisy in their feudal system and affect their bottom line. 

A few days back an Irish priest claimed that Yoga could lead Christians to 'Kingdom of Darkness'.  A church in Bristol recently and many others in the UK have banned yoga comparing it with drugs and alchohol. And now multile papers are carrying allegations against Yoga Guru Bikram Choudary – all of them from many years ago and on the face of it have no reality associated with them. But yet this is presented as if these allegations happened yesterday. 

Clearly something is afoot. I smell the orcs from far away. I think we are up for a long dirty stinking war.. 

The war on yoga

Yoga guru Bikram Choudhury accused of sex assault, rape

CNNFeb 26, 2015

Catholic Church silence on disciplining priest who linked yoga to Satan

The Hans India19 hours ago

Church accused of lacking flexibility after it bans yoga class for 9, 2015

Yoga: spiritually dangerous or just a good workout?

ChristianTodayFeb 11, 2015

To set the context about the popularity of Yoga, some days ago a huffington post article said that more children are practicing yoga that ever before – and already yoga is the largest practiced religion in the world.  Last year, spearheaded by Modi, 130 countries joined to declare June 21st as the World Yoga Day.. and those celebrations are coming up in a few months.  Looks like the right time for the Christian media to rake up some controversy. 

More American Children Are Doing Yoga Than Ever Before

Huffington Post16 hours ago