The Reason Why Hindus Pour Milk on Deities When Children are Starving around the World?
One of the constant criticisms by fanatical atheists and western religions – and by secularized brainwashed Hindus – is that Hindus “waste” milk on deities while “millions” of poor kids are starving in the world. While on the surface this sounds like a logical argument and many Hindus get taken in by the pseudo concern shown for the “starving children” by the hypocrites, you just have to dig a little deeper to see the falseness of their argument and the true purpose behind offering to deities.
- The deities of Hindus worship symbolize the truth that life is a celebration. People who understand this truth are less likely to abuse their environment and exploit other people. That automatically makes more food and resources available to the poor. This is in stark contrast to the Christian idea of charity which gives pennies to the poor, but in the background sustains an inequitable and abusive capitalist system that exploits and destroys nature and believes in competition and justifies cruelty in the name the survival of the fittest.
The next question people ask is, why do we need to offer food for this? Why not just water? Or say some words. The truth is, only by offering what you consider is valuable to you, can you make people see the truth that you are seeing. This is why our ancestors built huge temples in granite that have withstood thousands of years of nature and human attacks. To show people what is really important. Without these monuments, the truths they discovered about life would be lost and we would be in this miserable state that the western consumerism has brought us – where our planet is in the brink of destruction. And guess who will be most affected by this destruction and global warming? Yes. The starving and the poor. Not the rich industrialists who have their private jets.
- Thirdly one should evaluate the quantity of food used for the deities against the same that is wasted in parties, used for making alcohol, dumped in the sea by countries like the US, eaten by overweight fat people (which is most of the westernized world including those in Indian cities) and so on . I can assure you that the amount used in worship is extremely negligible. The amount of water used to make 1 pound of meat is equal to what you need for your shower for 6 months and the amount of resources used for the same can feed 30 times the number of people if they are vegetarians. So by encouraging vegetarianism, Hinduism has already paid for the food and water spent on the deities by millions of times. So it is an investment. Not an expense. By bringing up the food offered to deities but being silent about alcohol and meat, people are exposing their hypocrisy.
- Finally much of the offerings – including the milk poured on deities – are actually consumed by people after the Puja. So even in the way people think, it is not really “wasted”. Many deities have healing properties that enrich the food that is placed on them. For instance the experiments done on the Shiva Linga shown above that is made of a special material called “navapashanam” or nine-medicines show that the milk remains un-spoilt for more than a week and has many healing properties.
So I say, let us pour more and more milk on deities. Let us offer more and more food to the deities. This will produce more and more good for humanity. It is an investment that pays for itself.
See this dirty article by Washington post that makes unnecessary, unsubstantiated and irrelevant link between “poverty” and offering of milk to deities. This is just one among the hundreds of articles published by anti-Hindu forces each year. We need to give the right answers to people so they don’t get taken in by such tricks. Please click the Share button below and let people know.
Offering milk to shivaling costs shivaling rs
20, However that can still be reused.
Each movie ticket costs RS.350, Why the hell we should watch ? Finally what message they are giving for society, it’s only their business… avoid movie and feed the needy ones for three days.
So true beautiful article we love our Hindu culture