Hans Rosling: The Swedish Statistician Who Foretold India’s Resurgence Passes Away

Hans Rosling 1948 – 2017 Yesterday Hans Rosling, one of the most intuitive, insightful, soulful statistician – doctor, professor and speaker – passed away. I was lucky enough to be present in the audience when he presented this amazing talk at TED 2009 where he shows with statistics how India will dominate the world from 2048 (more More...

After India’s Patent Win, US Pharmaceuticals Suddenly Claim that Turmeric has no Medicinal Properties
In 1997 the Indian Government won a major victory to prevent US firms from patenting Turmeric’s medicinal properties.. and now suddenly a “new study” finds that turmeric is not useful for making More...

6 Famous International Physicists who were influenced by Hinduism: Detechter.com
Science and religion don’t normally go together. We’ve seen scientists dissing out people with religious beliefs, and vice versa. While religion might not be “logical” to some, but Hinduism has proven to More...

A limited response to Meera Nanda’s essay “Hindutva’s science envy”: Frontline
Lovely article by Megh Kalyansundaram about ancient Indian mathematics. India as always asked that the Pythogorian Theorem be renamed as the “Baudhayana Theorem” because Baudhayana states the theorem More...

Girl demonstrates Cool SuperPower (Third Eye)
The Yogasutra of Patanjali has for long declared the existence of the potential for superhuman powers. These have been pooh-poohed by short sighted westernized Indians. But many in the west and India are now discovering, More...

Every Hindu and Every Indian Must Watch This Video!
Amazing clip that talks about the surgical achievements of Sushruta and how they have influenced the medical field. Proud of the Vedic Hindu Civilization. // Feeling proud after watching this video Posted More...

Life After Death: Conclusive Proof from the University of Southampton
Science Daily: Latest study published by the University of Southampton a few days back analyzing the experience of 330 patients who were resuscitated from cardiac arrest shows conclusively More...