Kolkata Durga Puja Inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Heritage List

On December 15, 2021..the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO in short, has inscribed the Durga Puja in Kolkata on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity An announcement that has inspired pride, joy, and celebration in the Hindu Diaspora worldwide Unesco has described the Durga Puja in Kolkata as the “best instance of the public performance of religion and art, and as a thriving ground for collaborative artists and designers” Unesco goes on to say: “During the event, the divides of class, religion and ethniticites collapse as crowds of spectators walk around to admire the installations” The Charya Pada and the Kriya Pada (or the lifestyle, and rituals) are two critical components of the Hindu Ecosystem, which has made it the the most ancient, time-tested, surviving civilization. The other two components being Yoga Pada (achiveing oneness with the cosmos and manifesting powers, manifesting the best things of the life and the universe), and Jnana Pada, knowledge about the cosmos; about jiva, ishwara, jagat It goes without saying, that this Durga festival is a testimate to this – Hinduism is very clear – not just human beings, but all beings, all living beings are given the greatest possibility of enlightenment, no one is denied. The presence of the living deities, especially during the Durga Celebrations, amplifies this possibility exponentially Surely, the presence of the living deities, especially during the celebrations of Durga Puja, acts both a source, and a resource, to the both creativity and the cherished devotion, of all those involved