Yoga Rooms for travelers at US Airports

Dec 15, 2013 HINDUS COMMENTS ON THE YOGA ROOM AT CHICAGO O’HARE AIRPORT Hindus have applauded launching of “Yoga Room” at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, calling it a “step in right direction”. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, San Francisco International Airport and Burlington International More...

I’m Not A “Gori Wife”
I’m Not A “Gori Wife” December 12, 2013 By Ambaa There is an entire genre of blogs that are often known as the “Gori Wife Blogs.” Gori is a Hindi word for More...

Outrage at Zapiro’s cartoon on Ganesha goes global
05 November 2013 at 07:58 by Bronwyn Hardick – The controversy over Zapiro’s Lord Ganesha cartoon is causing outrage among the world’s 1 billion Hindu devotees, who are calling for an international apology More...

First Diwali In Congress Celebrated On Capitol Hill: Huffington Post
Over two dozen lawmakers gathered on Capitol Hill to light traditional diya as a priest chanted Vedic mantras for the first-ever Congressional Diwali celebration. The event cut across party lines, as attendees More...

Yoga Lawsuit: Encinitas Union School District in California Sued Over Classes
By MARIA NIKIAS via WORLD NEWS What was intended as a fun addition to physical education in a California school district has sparked controversy among parents who feel Ashtanga yoga infringes on their religious More...

Indian Caucus Hopes Diwali Fest Can Heal Capitol Hill
By Warren Rojas Given everything lawmakers have been through in the past month, perhaps this town could use a good old-fashioned spiritual cleanse. The bipartisan Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans More...

Nithyananda Vedic Temples Celebrate Hindu Awareness Month[October] Declared by California Government in Recognition of Contributions by Hindus
Paramahamsa Nithyananda to give a worldwide talk on the utility of the colorful vibrant and timeless Hindu tradition followed by more than 1 billion people on the planet, on the occasion of Hindu Open House celebrations More...

Hindus thank Julia Roberts for endorsing yoga – The Jet Newspaper
Hindus have thanked Oscar winner Hollywood star Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman) for patronizing yoga. Roberts, who reportedly confessed of being a “practicing Hindu” few years back, recently reportedly urged singer More...

Hindu invocation – Chico News & Review
Hindu invocation Chico News & Review On Sept. 17, the Chico City Council meeting will feature an invocation by Rajan Zed (pictured), president of the Universal Society of Hinduism. He will deliver the More...