I am a Bhakt and I am proud of it
Sometimes we have to live with the names others give us. It is what we make of it that matters. The word Hindu for instance was given by outsiders to people living in this region. However, it has become a basis More...

The Socialist Secular Conspiracy: The Preamble to the Constituition of India
This image shows the preamble to the constitution on 26 January 1950 when it was adopted. Notice that India was defined by our founding fathers as “Sovereign Democratic Republic”. It was in the 42nd More...

The Story of Manu Needhi Cholan and The Vedic Roots of Tamil Nadu
This statue of “Manu Needhi Konda Cholan” (Meaning: The Chola who upheld the Law of Manu) adorns the premises High Court of Tamil Nadu in Chennai. The King is famous for his integrity to the law. The More...

After India’s Patent Win, US Pharmaceuticals Suddenly Claim that Turmeric has no Medicinal Properties
In 1997 the Indian Government won a major victory to prevent US firms from patenting Turmeric’s medicinal properties.. and now suddenly a “new study” finds that turmeric is not useful for making More...

6 Famous International Physicists who were influenced by Hinduism: Detechter.com
Science and religion don’t normally go together. We’ve seen scientists dissing out people with religious beliefs, and vice versa. While religion might not be “logical” to some, but Hinduism has proven to More...

Nithyananda Gurukul: Mindblowing Mystic School in Southern India
Levitating Yogi 1936 For millenia India has boasted of Mystics capable of performing miracles and exhibiting spiritual Siddhis or Shaktis – such as levitation, mind reading, seeing remote places, flying, materializing More...

Taharrush Gamea: Horrific Arab Rape Game Comes to Bangalore
Last New Year 2016 witnessed the introduction of this barbaric Arabic “tradition” called “Taharrush Gamea” to Cologne in Germany. Public Molestation in Cologne on New Year 2016 by Islamic More...

Why Do We Need a 3600 Crore Statue?
Can India afford to spend 3600 crores on a statue? That’s what many people are asking. The right question to ask is, however, whether it can afford not to build the statue. Indian history is a mess that has More...

Rani Ki Vav is the True Symbol of Love. Not the Taj Mahal
The Rani Ki Vavi is an amazing subterrarean structure built in in 1063 A D by Queen Udayamati in the memory of her husband, King Bhimdev I of the Solanki dynasty. Built 600 years before the Taj Mahal, this is More...

The Magnificent Kailasha Temple at Ellora
400,000 Tonnes of Rock were removed – top down – from a SINGLE giant hill to built the Kailasa Temple at Ellora. And in just 18 years! And there is no record of such a massive undertaking recorded anywhere More...